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production function is linear, yj,t|

j,t>t=eztAt+j,t, (2.3) whereeztAtdenotes aggregate productivity andj,tis a match’s idiosyncratic productivity drawn from a logistic distribution with mean −µ,t and vari-ance ψ

,t2 π2

3 . A firm and a worker jointly decide whether to produce or to separate the match using a cut-offrulet.If the idiosyncratic shock is lower than the cut-offpoint, the match separates. The cut-offrule is an outcome of the bargaining discussed below. In case of a separation, the worker be-comes unemployed and the firm incurs wasteful separation costsτeu,t. Using properties of the logistic distribution we obtain the expected output of a match,

Yet = Z

(eztAt+j,t)df(j,t) + Z



= (1−πeu,t)(eztAtµ,t) +Ψt (2.4) Ψt = −ψ,t[(1−πeu,t) log(1−πeu,t) +πeu,tlogπeu,t]−πeu,tτeu,t, (2.5) whereΨt denotes the option value of separation. The probability of separa-tion before the revelasepara-tion ofj,treads

πeu,t=P(j,t< ) =



1 + exp

tµ,t ψ,t





The economy’s total output, available for consumption and investment is given by

Yt=ltYet. (2.6)

Assume the following process for exogenous productivity withat≡log(At):

at+1at = ga+xt+σaa,t+1 xt+1 = ρxxt+σxσax,t+1

zt+1 = ρzzt+σzz,t+1 (2.7)

wherea,t+1,x,t+1andz,t+1areiid standard normal variables. Productivity growth has a deterministic mean componentgaand two stochastic compo-nents: a,t+1 is a transitory shock to the technology growth rate,x,t+1 is a shock to the persistent component of the growth rate.

Vacancy posting and matching The timing in a period is as follows. At the beginning of a period,lt matches exist. The aggregate states of productivity and the idiosyncratic productivities are revealed. Firms and workers bargain over wages or jointly decide to separate a match. Next, the lt(1−πeu,t) non-separated matches produce output which is used for consumption and investment. Finally, vacancies and unemployed workers are matched in a frictional market. The sum of old and new matches determines next period’s lt+1.

The representative firm, which is the mutual fund that owns all matches, discounts dividends with the representative agent’s stochastic discount factor (2.2). It takes the probability of a matchqt as given and chooses vacancies and employment to maximize its cum-dividend stock price,

Ptc = max





Mt+τDt+τ s.t.lt+1 = lt(1−πeu,t) +qtvt

Dt = lt

(1−πeu,t)(eztAtµ,tWt) +Ψtκ1,tvtqtvtκ2,t vtqt ≥ 0.

The firm’s value of a match at the beginning of a period is the derivative of Ptc with respect tolt,

Jt≡(1−πeu,t)(eztAtµ,t) +Ψt−(1−πeu,t)Wt+ (1−πeu,t)EtMt+1Jt+1, (2.8) whereWt denotes the worker’s wage. Firms post vacancies at a costκ1,t and pay training costs,κ2,t, if the vacancy is filled. Via the first-order conditions of the problem, we derive the free-entry condition

κ1,t−Θt=qt(EtMt+1Jt+1κ2,t). (2.9)

Investment equals the resources spent on the matching process, κ1,tvt+qtvtκ2,t.

I follow Petrosky-Nadeau and Zhang (2017) and impose a non-negativity constraint on posted vacancies,vt≥0. The constraint’s Lagrange multiplier is Θt. See Appendix 2.B.2 for a detailed solution of the firm’s dynamic problem.

Assume that firms post vacanciesvt and find workers according to the matching function

Ξm(ut, vt) = utvt


ι >0 (2.10)

borrowed from den Haan et al. (2000). This function has the advantage that transition rates stay within [0,1]. This improves the computational stability compared to a standard Cobb-Douglas matching function.3 Denoting labour market tightnessθtvt

ut, the job-finding rateπue,t and vacancy-filling rateqt are given by

πue,t = (1 +θtι)1ι (2.11) qt = (1 +θtι)1ι. (2.12) Finally, labour’s law of motion reads

lt+1=lt(1−πeu,t) +πue,t(1−lt).

Bargaining and separation The representative family earns wages for each productive match and replacement incomebtper unemployed worker.

Replacement income is financed with lump-sum taxes, denoted Tt. The

3When the discounted firm surplus is low, firms post few (or even no) vacancies. With a Cobb-Douglas matching function, a reduction of vacancies increases job-finding without bound, jeopardizing stability. Instead of the new matching function, one could restrict the vacancy-filling rate, but this introduces a kink which again jeopardizes stability. The den Haan et al. (2000) function restricts the elasticity with respect to job-seekers, 1+θ1ι[0,12]: i) Unless the job-finding rate exceeds the vacancy-filling rate, labour market tightnessθ=πque is smaller than one. Hence, the upper bound for the elasticity of the matching function with respect to unemployment is 12achieved atι0. Sedl´aˇcek (2016) and others estimate this elasticity to exceed 12 (see their Table 1). ii) If one assumes Nash bargaining and the Hosios condition at steady state values, the bargaining power of job-seekers cannot exceed12 for the same reasons.

mutual fund’s sharesst trade at pricePt. BondsBet return a risk-free interest rateRft. The family’s consumption reads

Ct=Wtlt(1−πeu,t)−Tt+bt(1−lt+πeu,tlt) +st(Dt+Pt)−st+1Pt+Bet− 1 Rft+1


The family’s value of an additional worker in terms of consumption goods reads




(1− 1





= [(Wtbt)(1−πeu,t)] +EtMt+1t+1(1−πeu,tπue,t).

Define the joint surplus of a matchΣt ≡∆t+Jt and denote the worker’s bargaining power with%t. Nash bargaining determines the wage and the separation rate,

eu,t, Wt) = arg max


%ttJt1%t. (2.13) The first-order condition of (2.13) yields the efficient reservation produc-tivityt=bteztAtτeu,t−EtMt+1Σt+1. If the idiosyncratic productivity of a match falls below this cut-offvalue, a match is separated. By property of the logistic distribution the separation rate reads

πeu,t =


1 + exp EtMt+1Σt+1+eztAtµ,t+τeu,tbt ψ,t


(2.14) Via the free-entry condition (2.9) and the first-order conditions of (2.13), obtain the Nash wage (see Appendix 2.B.3)


(1−πeu,t) 1


(1−πeu,t)(eztAtµ,t) +Ψt+ (1−πeu,t)EtMt+1Jt+1 + (1−%t)


. (2.15) To introduce wage rigidity, I follow Jung and Kuester (2015) and assume that the worker’s bargaining power decreases in the persistent component of

the technology growth ratextand TFP’s transitory componentzt,

%t= ¯%extαxztαz. (2.16) This turns the shocksz andxinto joint shocks to wages and productivity, or surplus shocks. In Section 2.4, I describe why this assumption is useful in the context of a long-run risk model. In short: when the worker’s outside option and vacancy-posting costs are proportional to productivity, the fun-damental surplus is not volatile enough to solve the Shimer puzzle, even if the fundamental surplus is calibrated to be small.

Aggregation and productivity adjustment Bonds are in zero net supply, Bet = 0 ∀t, and the representative family owns the mutual fund, st = 1 ∀t.

Taxes are used to pay unemployment benefits, so Tt = bt(1−lt+πeu,tlt).

Together, aggregate consumption reduces to output minus investment, Ct=Wtlt(1−πeu,t) +Dt=Ytκ1,tvtqtvtκ2,t.

Finally, the return of the risk-free bond reads 1


=EtMt+1. (2.17)

See Appendix 2.B.2 for a derivation of stock returns and the stock price, Pt= κ1,t+qtκ2,t

qt −Θt


| {z }


lt+1. (2.18)

The term in parentheses is Tobin’s marginal q, the shadow price of employ-ment in the firm’s optimization problem.

I solve the stationary version of the model (Appendix 2.B.1). In short, Atscales the constant parameters{µ, ψ, κ1, κ2, τeu, b}, e.g.bt=bAt. Define the productivity-adjusted variablesct= CAt

t,wt= WAt

t dt= DAt


t,Ψet= ΨAt

t, eΣt= ΣAt

t. The model is solved globally with the projection method outlined in Appendix 2.F.1 and estimated with the method of simulated moments outlined in Appendix 2.F.2. The next two sections parametrize the models:

First, Section 2.3 parametrizes the RBC model with cyclical fluctuation zt. Next, Section 2.4 parametrizes the LRR model with a small, persistent component of growthxt. In each section, I simulate the model and match the parametrized model to unemployment and output time series to examine the models’ predictive power for other variables.