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The main theorem

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4. Stability of objective structures 93

4.5. The main theorem

In this section we characterize the stability constants λa and λa,0,0 in the Fourier transform domain, see Theorem 4.51. We also state a similar characterization which enables us to efficiently computeλaandλa,0,0, see Theorem 4.54.

Recall Definition 2.61. SinceE00Gx0) is left-translation-invariant, see Remark 4.15(i), we can representE00Gx0) as a convolution operator.

Lemma 4.42. For allu, vUper we have

E00Gx0)(u, v) =hfVv0, u0i, whereu0=u(·−1)andv0=v(·−1).

Proof. Letu, vUper. LetNM0 such thatuandv areTN-periodic.

Letu0=u(·−1) andv0=v(·−1). By Lemma 4.14 we have E00Gx0)(u, v) = X



= 1

|CN| X





= 1

|CN| X



=hfVv0, u0i,

where in the third step we used thatv0((ht)−1) =v0(h−1) for allh∈ CN

andt∈ TN.

Letϕ:R → {0, . . . ,|R| −1} be a bijection. We define an isomorphism betweenC(m|R|)×n and (Cm×n)R by

(ai,j)i∈{1,...,m|R|};j∈{1,...,n}7→ (ai+mϕ(g),j)i∈{1,...,m};j∈{1,...,n}


Definition 4.43. We define the functionsgR, gR,0,0L1(G,R(d|R|)×d) by

gR(g) =P δg,hId

h∈R for allg∈ G


gR,0,0(g) =P0 δg,hId

h∈R for allg∈ G,

whereP (resp. P0) is the square matrix of orderd|R|such that the map Rd|R|→Rd|R|, x7→P x

is the orthogonal projection with respect to the norm k · k with kernel Uiso(R) (resp. Uiso,0,0(R)).

Remark 4.44. The support of bothgRandgR,0,0 is equal toR. We have gR(g) =pϕ(g) for allg∈ R


gR,0,0(g) =p0,ϕ(g) for allg∈ R,

wherep0, . . . , p|R|−1, p0,0, . . . , p0,|R|−1∈R(d|R|)×dsuch thatP = (p0, . . . , p|R|−1) andP0= (p0,0, . . . , p0,|R|−1) and bothP andP0 are as above.

Due to the left-translation-invariance,k · kR andk · kR,0,0 can be repre-sented by means of convolution operators.

Lemma 4.45. For all uUper we have that kukR = kgRu0k2 and kukR,0,0=kgR,0,0u0k2, whereu0=u(·−1).

Proof. Let uUper and NM0 such that u is TN-periodic. Let u0=u(·−1). LetP ∈R(d|R|)×(d|R|)such that the map

Rd|R|→Rd|R|, x7→P x

is the orthogonal projection with kernelUiso(R). We have kuk2R= 1

|CN| X



2. (4.36)

For allg∈ G we define the function

δg:G → {0,1}, h7→δh,g.

For allg∈ G we have



= (P(δhId)h∈R)∗u0(g−1)

=gRu0(g−1). (4.37) By (4.36) and (4.37) we have

kuk2R= 1

|CN| X


kgRu0(g−1)k2=kgRu0k22. Analogously we havekukR,0,0=kgR,0,0u0k2.

Proposition 4.29 implies the following corollary.

Corollary 4.46. Suppose that E0Gx0) = 0. Then for all periodic representations ρ of G and a ∈ Cddρ such that kgVR(ρ)ak = 0 we have hfV


(ρ)a, ai= 0.

Proof. Suppose thatE0Gx0) = 0. Letρbe a periodic representation of G and a∈Cddρ such that kgR

V(ρ)ak = 0. Without loss of generality we assume thatρ∈ E. We defineuUper,Cby



0) =

((a 0ddρ,dρ−1) ifρ0 =ρ 0ddρ0,dρ˜ else for allρ0∈ E. We denoteu0=u(·−1). We have 0 =dρkgVR(ρ)ak2=dρkgVR(ρ)uV(ρ)k2=dρkgRu



=kgR∗Re(u)k22+kgR∗Im(u)k22=kRe(u0)k2R+kIm(u0)k2R, (4.38) where we used Proposition 2.56 in the third step and Lemma 4.45 in the last step. Thus we havekRe(u0)kR = 0 and kIm(u0)kR = 0 which is equivalent to Re(u0),Im(u0) ∈ Uiso,0,0 by Theorem 3.34. We have E00Gx0)(Re(u0),Re(u0)) = 0 and E00Gx0)(Im(u0),Im(u0)) = 0 by Proposition 4.29 and Remark 4.30(ii). Thus we have



(ρ)a, ai=E00Gx0)(Re(u0),Re(u0)) +E00Gx0)(Im(u0),Im(u0))

= 0,

where the first step follows analogously to (4.38) with Lemma 4.42 instead of Lemma 4.45.

The following lemma shows that we can consider complex-valued instead of real-valued functions.

Lemma 4.47. We have λa= sup


uUper,C:ckgRuk22≤ hfVu, ui and

λa,0,0= sup c∈R

uUper,C:ckgR,0,0uk22≤ hfVu, ui . Proof. By Lemma 4.42, Lemma 4.45 and since Uper = {u(·−1)|uUper}, we have

λa= sup c∈R

uUper:ckgRuk22≤ hfVu, ui and hence,

λa≥sup c∈R

uUper,C:ckgRuk22≤ hfVu, ui =: RHS.

Now we show thatλa≤RHS. For alluUper,Cwe have hfVu, ui=hfV ∗Re(u),Re(u)i −ihfV ∗Re(u),Im(u)i

+ ihfV ∗Im(u),Re(u)i+hfV ∗Im(u),Im(u)i

=hfV ∗Re(u),Re(u)i −iE00Gx0)(Im(u),Re(u)) + iE00Gx0)(Re(u),Im(u)) +hfV ∗Im(u),Im(u)i

=hfV ∗Re(u),Re(u)i+hfV ∗Im(u),Im(u)i



where in the second step we used Lemma 4.42.

The proof of the characterization ofλa,0,0 is analogous.

Recall that by Definition 2.19 all representations are unitary. Schwarz’s theorem implies the following lemma.

Lemma 4.48. For all g ∈ G we have fV(g−1) = fV(g)T and for all representationsρof G the matrix fV


(ρ)is Hermitian.

Proof. For allg∈ G we have fV(g−1) = X


δg−1,h−12 h1L(h2)Th2h1V(y0)L(h1)

δg−1,h−12 L(h2)Th2h1V(y0)−δg−1,h1h2h1V(y0)L(h1) +δg−1,idh2,h1V(y0)

= X



1 h2L(h2)T(∂h1h2V(y0))TL(h1)



1 (∂h1h2V(y0))TL(h1) +δg,id(∂h1h2V(y0))T

=fV(g)T. (4.39)

For all representationsρofGwe have fV


(ρ) =X












fV(g)⊗ρ(g) H




where in the third step we used (4.39) and thatρis unitary.

Definition 4.49. The Loewner order is the partial order on the set of all Hermitian matrices of Cn×n defined by AB if AB is positive semidefinite. We define

λmin(A, B) := sup c∈R

cBHBA ∈R∪ {±∞}

for all Hermitian matricesA∈Cn×n and matricesB ∈Cm×n. Remark 4.50. (i) By means of the dual problem we have

λmin(A, B) = inf xHAx

x∈Cn,kBxk= 1 and

λmin(A,0m,n) =

(∞ ifA is positive semidefinite

−∞ else

for all Hermitian matricesA∈Cn×n and matricesB∈Cm×n\ {0}.

The proof is analogous to the proof of Proposition 4.10.

(ii) Suppose thatB has in addition ranknand consider thegeneralized eigenvalue problem Av =λBHBv, i. e. the problem of finding the eigenvaluesof thematrix pencilA−λBHB. Then the eigenvalues of the generalized eigenvalue problem are real andλmin(A, B) is equal to the smallest eigenvalue of the generalized eigenvalue problem, see [34, Chapter X, Theorem 11]. The eigenvalues of the gener-alized eigenvalue problem are equal to the eigenvalues of the ma-trixA(BHB)−1, see [58, Proposition 6.1.1], but the eigenvalues of A(BHB)−1are ill-conditioned. There exist many numerically stable algorithms, see, e. g., [8, Chapter 5], and thus many programming languages have a function for this problem; e. g. for Python the subpackage linalg of the package SciPy has the function eigvalsh.

Due to the left-translation-invariance,E00Gx0),k · kRandk · kR,0,0can be represented by means of multiplier operators. Thus we have the fol-lowing representation ofλa andλa,0,0. Recall thatE is a representation set of{ρ∈G |b ρis periodic}.

By Lemma 4.47 we have λa= sup

Sincea∈Cddρ was arbitrary, we haveλmin(fV

The proof of the characterization ofλa,0,0 is analogous.

For the remainder of this section, we fix a complete set of representa-tives of the cosets of T F in G such that Indρ is well-defined for all ρ by Definition 2.23. In the following we write Indρ for IndGT Fρ for all representationsρofT F.

Lemma 4.52. For all representationsρof T F the functions Rd2 →C(ddρ)×(ddρ), k7→fV are continuous and the functions

Rd2 →R∪ {±∞}, k7→λmin

Proof. Letρbe a representation ofT Fandfi denote theith function of the lemma for everyi∈ {1, . . . ,5}. By Theorem D.7 the functionsf1,f2

andf3 are continuous.

Let (kn)n∈Nbe a sequence inRd2 andk∈Rd2 be such that limn→∞kn= k. Without loss of generality we assume that lim supn→∞f4(kn)>−∞

and lim supn→∞f4(kn) = limn→∞f4(kn). Letλ∈ Rbe such that λ <

lim supn→∞f4(kn). We have λf2(kn)Hf2(kn) ≤ f1(kn) for all n ∈ N large enough. Since the Loewner order is closed, i. e. the set{(A, B) ∈ X2|AB} is closed, where X ={A ∈ C(ddρ)×(ddρ)|Ais Hermitian}, we haveλf2(k)Hf2(k)≤f1(k). Thus we haveλf4(k).

Analogously the functionf5 is upper semicontinuous.

Recall Definition 2.38, Proposition 2.39 and Definition 2.32.

Definition 4.53. For all ρ∈T Fd and representations ρ0ρ we define the space group

Gρ0 :=Gρ.

The following theorem generalizes Theorem 3.6(b) of [40] from lattices to general configurations.

Theorem 4.54. Let Rbe a representation set of a representation set of T F/∼. For alld ρRletKρ be a representation set ofRd2/Gρ. Then we have

λa= infn λmin



(Ind(χkρ)), gVR(Ind(χkρ))

ρR, kKρ



λa,0,0= infn λmin



(Ind(χkρ)), gVR,0,0(Ind(χkρ))

ρR, kKρo . Proof. LetRbe a representation set of a representation set ofT F/∼. Ford allρR letKρ be a representation set ofRd2/Gρ. Letm∈Nsuch that M0 = mN. By Lemma 2.36(i) there exists a representation set R0 of a representation set ofT Fd/∼such thatρisTm-periodic for allρR0. Due to the existence of fundamental domains, see, e. g., [49, Theorem 6.6.13], for allρR0there exists a representation setKρ0 ofRd2/Gρ such thatL0ρ is a dense subset ofKρ0, where L0ρ ={k ∈Kρ0| ∃NM0 :kLS/N}.

By Theorem 2.43 applied toR andR0, there exist a bijection ϕ: G


Kρ0 → G


Kρ, (k, ρ)7→(ϕ1(k, ρ), ϕ2(k, ρ)) (4.40)

and for allρR0 andkKρ0 some Tk,ρ ∈U(dInd(χkρ)) such that

By Lemma 4.52 for all ρR the function fρ is upper semicontinuous and thus we have By Theorem 4.51 we have

λa= infn

By Lemma D.3(ii) there exists a permutation matrixPn,p1,...,pk∈O(n(p1

+· · ·+pk)) for alln, p1, . . . , pk∈Nsuch that A⊗(B1⊕ · · · ⊕Bk) =Pm,pT

1,...,pk((A⊗B1)⊕ · · · ⊕(A⊗Bk))Pn,p1,...,pk for allA∈Cm×n andBi∈Cpi×pi,i∈ {1, . . . , k}.

Now we show thatλa≤RHS. LetρR0,kL0ρandρ0 = Ind(χkρ). Let

whereQis the unitary matrixPd|R|,dρ

1,...,dρn(Id|R|⊗T). By (4.45), (4.46)

Analogously to (4.45) and (4.46) we have

The proof of the characterization ofλa,0,0 is analogous.

Remark 4.55. (i) By Lemma 4.52 the above theorem is also true if for all ρR we weaken the assumption on Kρ and only assume that the closure ofKρ contains a representation set of Rd2/Gρ. In particular the theorem is also true if for all ρR the setKρ is a fundamental domain ofRd2/Kρ.

(ii) An algorithm for the determination of a representation set ofT Fd/∼

with the aid of the finite group (T F)m is given by Lemma 2.36, wherem∈Nsuch thatM0=mN.

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