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strain (%)

5.3 Micromechanical Deformation Behaviour .1 Solution Cast Blends

5.3.2 Injection Moulded Blends

In contrast to homogeneous deformation of pure ST2, highly localised deformation zones are noticed in injection moulded ST2/PS190 blends. Characteristic deformation structures observed in these blends are shown in fig 5.15. At lower PS190 content (ΦPS190 ≤ 40 wt %), craze-like zones prevail while ‘kink bands’-like morphology is observed at higher PS190 content (Φ PS190

≥60 wt %).

The deformation zones at lower PS content (e.g., 20 wt % PS190, fig 5.15a) are formed normal to the strain direction which contain highly stretched lamellae and microvoids, and these resemble the crazes frequently observed in thermoplastics and their rubber modified grades [1,105,106]. Quantitative analysis shows that the lamellae in these deformation zones are stretched up to few hundred percents (λ > 3). Macroscopic strain of about 34% is contributed alone by this deformation.

These crazes are, however, fundamentally different from those observed in homopolymers and rubber modified thermoplastics. The most striking difference is that the fibrils are often separated by highly stretched rubbery domains in addition to the microvoids.

Since, δPS = 9.10 (cal/cm3), δPB = 8.40 (cal/cm3) and δToluene = 8.90 (cal/cm3), it follows that (δPSTol.)2 < (δPB Tol.)2 indicating that solubility of PS in toluene is slightly is higher than that of PB (data from p. 68 of ref. [7]).

The transition in deformation mechanism from homogeneous stretching of PS and PB lamellae to the formation of local deformation zones is the reason of a drastic reduction in elongation at break in ST2/20 wt % PS190. The localisation of deformation in the form of craze-like zones is a sign of inability of glassy PS layers (which have a thickness of about 30 nm or more, fig 5.4-5.6) to undergo plastic flow, and it provides a strong evidence for ‘thin layer yielding’ mechanism proposed for lamellar block copolymers in section 4.3.3. This hindrance in plastic deformation of PS layers appears to be associated with the thickness of PS lamellae because the transition from ductile to brittle behaviour occurs exactly when the average thickness of PS lamellae DPS shifts from about 20 nm to about 30 nm.

Figure 5.15: Lower (left) and higher (right) magnification of TEM images showing deformation structures observed in injection moulded ST2/GPPS blends: a) 20 wt % PS190 and b) 60 wt % PS190; strain direction is vertical.

As discussed in section 4.3.3 the yield stress of PS lamellae reaches crazing stress of bulk polystyrene when their thickness exceeds the critical thickness (Dcrit). Then the PS lamellae act as stress concentrators and undergo crazing. Few much thicker PS layers observed at lower PS190 content (fig 5.4) may further favour stress concentration and premature failure of the sample.

The transition in deformation mechanism and mechanical properties at ΦPS190 = 20 wt % can be clearly noticed in the scanning electron (SEM) micrographs presented in fig 5.16. While the pure star block copolymer shows a ductile fracture characterised by highly stretched fibrils, the blend containing 20 wt % GPPS undergoes a brittle fracture. Large flat areas on SEM micrographs (fig 5.16b) suggests an unstable crack propagation along the thickness of the tensile bar from one end to the other leading to a brittle fracture.



Figure 5.16: SEM micrographs of fracture surfaces of the injection moulded samples broken in tensile test: a) pure star block copolymer ST2 and b) ST2/20 wt % PS190 blend.

The HVEM micrographs of ST2/PS190 blends (fig 5.17) provide additional evidence of ‘thin layer yielding’ mechanism. Regardless of preparation methods (solution casting, extrusion, press moulding etc.), the bulk star block copolymer samples showed no pronounced localisation of deformation [174]. In contrast, their blends with PS190 in injection moulds deform by the formation of local deformation zones. In the blends with ΦPS190 = 20 and 40 wt %, the crazes are localised mainly at the lamellar stripes containing more polystyrene (whiter stripes) get stopped

at the regions of lower polystyrene content (darker regions). This kind of craze stop mechanism at the stripe of lamellae containing lesser amount of polystyrene (i.e., those dissolving very less or no added PS190) results from the fact that the darker areas relieve stress by allowing plastic deformation and shearing of lamellae at the craze tip: i.e.,

PS craze layers


y σ

σ _ ≈ while σthiny _layers<σcrazePS

The mechanisms of craze-tip blunting, craze coalescence and craze diversion in PS-b-PBMA diblock copolymers were investigated by Weidisch and Michler [111]. These mechanisms have been discussed in terms of enhanced mechanical properties of these block copolymers, e.g., synergism in tensile strength. Generally, the craze-tip blunting occurs when the craze has to pass through a stripe of lamellae. In the present case too, the craze-stop mechanism can be discussed in the sense of enhanced mechanical properties because craze-termination in this context means a pronounced energy dissipation due to plastic deformation of thinner PS layers (which would mean an increase in ductility). Absence of crazes rather than craze-stop is, however, desirable for increased ductility in lamellar block copolymers.

Figure 5.17: HVEM micrographs showing deformation structures in a) ST2/20 wt % PS190 blend and b) ST2/40 wt

% PS190 blend: semi-thin sections about 500 nm thick were cut from the middle of the sample. Deformation direction is vertical. Crazes are localised at the regions with thicker PS layers and are stopped at the regions with thinner PS lamellae.

At higher PS190 content (ΦPS190 ≥60 wt %), as PS practically forms the matrix, no craze-stop mechanism was observed [174]. Although not directly comparable, it is worth mentioning that results from fracture mechanics and micromechanics seem to be correlated to each other. It has been shown that the level of toughness characterised by J-integral or CTOD values remain more or less constant up to a PS190 content of about 50 wt % after which a drastic reduction in

fracture mechanics parameters occur (fig 5.10a). This transition takes place, when the micromechanism shifts from craze-stop to the craze-propagation.

Moreover, peculiar types of narrow, long and sharp-edged deformation bands (fig 5.15b) are revealed by TEM at higher PS content (Φ PS190 ≥60 wt %).

The deformation bands show the characteristics of both crazes (with respect to their orientation to the external stress direction) and shear bands (with respect to tilt angle of microstructures inside these deformation bands). These bands often propagate perpendicularly to the external stress direction. Inside the deformation bands, the PS and PB lamellae are only slightly deformed and tilted away from strain direction by about 50°. Whole of the macroscopic strain is localised at these deformation bands. Sometimes, the deformation bands are also inclined to an angle with the strain direction.These bands are, however, very different from classical crazes or shear bands observed in homopolymers like PS and rubber toughened thermoplastics [1,105,106]. Unlike crazes, there is no evidence of voiding and unlike shear bands these zones are usually not tilted at 45° towards the direction of external stress.

These bands resemble the ‘kink bands’ reported recently by Winey et al. in a lamellar diblock copolymer under shear deformation [129,130]. However, the kink bands observed by them are formed simply by rotation of lamellae; and their thickness remains practically unchanged [129].

Clearly, the kinking of lamellae observed in this work is governed by different mechanism than that observed by Winey and co-workers. How these new kinds of deformation structures are evolved; in the present case, is not fully understood and should be further investigated. It can be speculated that these bands are formed by ‘turn-back’ of weakly stretched lamellar stripe due to release of elastically absorbed energy after external stress has been relieved (i.e., after the specimen fracture). Similar structures are also observed in binary block copolymer blends subjected to tensile deformation (section6.3.1).The deformed lamellae should have tilted in order to compensate the volume change during deformation. Additionally, the shear component of the tensile stress could have also contributed in the formation of these bands. It should be admitted that the deformation structures observed in injection moulded samples are, in general, not representative of the whole tensile specimen due to presence of non-equilibrium morphology which may change from one end of the bar to the next and even along the cross section of the mould.

By measuring the length of deformed lamellae (L) relative to the width of deformation zones (LO), an elongation of about 12 % can be estimated (illustrated in fig 5.18). Since the deformation bands are nearly parallel and the lamellae inside these bands are almost equally inclined to the lamellar axis, this local deformation of 12% may be assumed to be valid for the

macroscopic sample. This is in the same range as the macroscopically measured elongation at break of the tensile bar (table 5.3; sample with 60 wt % PS190 has εB=18%).

L0 L

εlam = (L-L0/ L0) x 100 ~ 12 %

Figure 5.18: Estimation of elongation at break by quantifying the deformation zones in ST2/60 wt % PS190 blend;

strain direction is vertical.

That the elongation at break drastically falls when 20 wt % PS190 is blended with ST2 appears a little bit disappointing. But it should not be regarded as a disadvantage of blending block copolymer with homopolymers. In fact, the lamellar block copolymer shows surprisingly high ductility than any other blends of analogous composition under tensile loading. Actually, the elongation at break (a measure of ductility) increases exponentially when the thickness of the PS layers lies in the range of about 20 nm.

A significant advantage of star block copolymer/hPS blends may be judged in the following way.

Let us compare the parameters listed it table 5.4 for pure PS and a blend with 40 wt % ST2 (which is the composition range for block copolymer modified standard polystyrene in pratical applications). It can be easily noticed that compared to a huge gain in strain at break in the blends, the loss in Young’s modulus and yield strength is almost negligible.

Table 5.4: Comparison of tensile properties of pure PS190 and a blend with 40 wt % ST2.

properties pure PS190 PS/40 wt % ST2 remarks

Young’s modulus (MPa)

3300 2520 Modulus loss ca. 24%

Yield strength (MPa) 55 45 Loss in yield strength ca. 17%

elongation at break (%)

3 18 Gain in elongation at break ca. 500%

Compared to the properties of linear block copolymer/polystyrene blends (e.g., LN2/PS190 blends), ST2/PS190 blends studied in the frame of this work possess more desirable mechanical

properties. Elongation at break for LN2/PS190 and ST2/PS190 as compared in fig 5.19 clearly demonstrate that ST2 has clearly higher toughening activity than LN2.

Comparative study of styrene/diene block copolymer/hPS with respect to the block copolymer architecture have been the concern of few recent studies. Feng et al. have [79] studied the dynamic mechanical properties of blends consisting of polystyrene and styrene/butadiene block copolymers with triblock and star architecture. These studies have proved no influence of block copolymer architecture on phase behaviour and mechanical properties of blends with homopolymer. However, recent study of Thompson and Matsen has demonstrated that far more substantial improvements in compatibilisation of homopolymer blends can be achieved by simply introducing polydispersity into the diblock copolymers [175]. Therefore, comparative results on ST2/hPS and LN2/hPS blends are in line with the prediction of Thomson and Matsen because ST2 molecules having a larger dispersity (about 1.6) may be expected to be more compatible with polydisperse homopolystyrene than linear copolymer LN2 having smaller dispersity index (about 1.2).

0 20 40 60 80 100

0 100 200 300 400

20 40 60 80

-25 0 25 50 75 100

LN2/PS190 ST2/PS190

ε B(%)

ΦCopolymer (wt %)

Figure 5.19: Comparison of elongation at break for LN2/PS190 and ST2/PS190 blends; tensile testing ISO 527 at room temperature and cross head speed of 50 mm/min.

An important advantage of star block copolymer lies in the fact that its higher molecular weight and larger number of PS blocks allow better molecular coupling with hPS molecules than the linear copolymer without making any compromise in rheological properties.