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Psychological studies often examine people who are not representative of the world population, such as undergraduate students in Western countries (Henrich et al., 2010). This was also reflected in the present work. Most (but not all) studies were conducted in Western countries.

University students, young adults, and


White/Caucasian people were overrepresented.

Future research on gender differences in sex drive should focus more specifically on older adults, as well as people of non-White ethnicities and people from non-Western cultures. Additionally, restricting the search to articles written in English or German may have introduced cultural or language-based biases. We also note that the present analysis did not specifically address the sex drive of gender-non-binary and transgender people. This should also be addressed in future work.


The key promise of meta-analyses is theoretical and empirical integration. The present work puts forth a coherent conceptualization of sex drive, grounded in trait theory, that directly translates into clear-cut indicators of the three postulated construct facets. Our meta-analysis documents that men’s sex drive is stronger than women’s, with a medium-to-large effect size (g = 0.69). Men think and fantasize about sex more often, experience sexual affect such as desire more often, and more often engage in solitary sexual behavior (masturbation). Biased responding may have inflated these differences, but is unlikely to fully account for the effect. The conservative, response-bias-corrected effect estimate is still of moderate size (g = 0.54). Natural language interpretations highlight that, despite the evidence for stronger sex drive in men on average, individual women exceeding individual men in sex drive is far from unusual.


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