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Developing this subject in the future, the main emphasis should be placed on improving prediction accuracy. There are several directions to be carried out:

∙ More attention could be paid to the various transportation modes (walking, car, bus, bicycle, etc). Analyzing movement and finding geo-locations, which are specific only to some certain transportation mode can help with further understanding of human mobility patterns.

∙ The process of finding geo-locations may be improved as well. We were using density-based clustering algorithms to extract significant places, but it is acknowledged, that considered class of algorithms do not perform

well when data is not not sampled continuously. This is a very important aspect as GPS signals may be corrupted or be completely missing for a certain period of time and, as a result, extracted geo-locations will get a completely different semantic meaning. Authors of [32] show that interpolation techniques will help to solve the problem and fill in the data gaps.

∙ Temporal cycles can be analyzed more thoroughly, especially in the applications where movements are linked to daily, weekly or seasonal cycles.

∙ More emphasis should be put on sociological aspects when doing semantic tagging of geo-locations. The assumption that geo-location can be classified as residential building in case of absence of POIs in close proximity may not hold with non-urban data.

∙ In order to provide an enhanced positioning output, map matching algorithms can be applied to align inaccurate locational data with road network.


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