Chapter 1 Introduction
C.3 E ff ect of dust attenuation on measured abundances
Figure C.2: The high- [left] and low- [right] extinction PNe are overplotted, coloured by their oxygen abundance, on the extinction map of the PHAT data derived by Dalcanton et al. (2015).
The region in black is outside the PHAT footprint.
C.3 E ff ect of dust attenuation on measured abundances
Figure C.2 shows the extinction map in the M 31 PHAT footprint derived by Dalcanton et al.
(2015, see their Fig 21). The extinction varies between AV=0 (light red) to AV=4 (yellow).
We find that there are very few PNe with oxygen abundances measured for the most extincted regions in the PHAT footprint. The measured oxygen abundance values also show no obvious spatial correlation with insterstellar extinction in M 31. In Paper II, we also noted that the dust in M 31 is unrelated to the extinction classification of the PNe.
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