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3.2 Analog Artificial Hormone System

3.2.1 Defining the Analog Hormone System

The definition of the hormone loop, as it is stated by equation (2.38) for AHS, is not as easily done for AAHS. Twice the maximum communication time of any two cores guarantees for a cyclic approach that all cores received the hormones and answered accordingly. For an analog approach the hormone loop depends upon the time the Global Hormone Level adjusts to the new value, which can be described by a simple RC-signal modeled by the first order differential equation

Gi+τG,i·G˙i =ηi : imtasks, (3.1) whereGiis the signal of the Global Hormone Level for taskTiandτG,irepresents the time to adjust to the new Global Hormone Levelηi. Each task is represented by its own hormone loop, sinceGi :i ∈ {1..m}applies.

The cores constantly receive Gi and base their decisions, whether to allocate or reject the taskTi, upon it. Yet,τG,iseconds after an allocation occurred, the new stable hormone levelηiis reached. Hence, the timeτG,ito adjust toηicorresponds to a single, digital hormone cycle3 of AHS, as seen in Figure 3.5(a). Rejecting the task has no impact upon Gi. Allocating the task Ti, however, leads to two reactions:

3The digital hormone cycles are described and defined in detail in [vRBP11b].

time (us) time (μs)

3.0 3.5 4.0



U (V)


corresponds to 3 hormone cycles


time (s)

3.5 4.0 4.5

-0.1 3.4

U (V)

time (us) τstable,i


Figure 3.5: Sketches outlining the difference of (a) τG,i and (b) τstable,i with randomly chosen scale line on the time axis

1. The suppressor signals Sγ,i are sent, resulting in a new Global Hormone Levelηi = GiN



2. The local accelerator Aγ,iis activated, adjusting to its new valueλγ,i by Aγ,i+τL,γ,i·A˙i =λγ,i : im, γN. (3.2) Noticeable, the local accelerator needs to apply before the new Global Hormone Level ηi is reached. The different time constants for those loops can be specified exactly and the components are designed accordingly during the analog design process. If several cores allocate the taskTi, the Global Hormone Level drops at least twice the suppressor value. This enforces a task drop of taskTiat every core.

Such multiple (≥ 2) allocations can only apply, if allocation decisions are done withinτG,i seconds, while the Global Hormone Level is unstable. The allocation decision triggers at each core for each applying task, if and only if equation (3.3) is true. The equation partGi+Eγ+Aγ,icorresponds to the Local Hormone Level.

θγ,iGi+Eγ+Aγ,i (3.3)

Without the global accelerator the stability constraint (equation (1.5) on page 28) of the AHS hormone loop is automatically ensured for AAHS. However, the true stability constraint for AAHS is specified by the time it takes to have taskTi allocated once andGibeing stabilized again:

τstable,i =τG,i+argmin ∀ξ>0Gi(τG,i+ξ) =Gi(τG,i) : im. (3.4)

3.2 Analog Artificial Hormone System

Figure 3.5(b) sketches the circuit behavior, which defines τstable,i. Further, equation (3.4) also states, if the specified real-time bounds can be fulfilled, since τstable,i is of importance for the WCTDT calculation. Each decision unit of the cores decides continuously upon taking a task. Due to this continuous charac-ter of AAHS all tasks are allocated by cores simultaneously in time, only slowed down by the accordingτstable,i:


m i=1

τstable,i seconds. (3.5)

⇒ O(m) (3.6)

It follows that in terms of complexity of the real-time bounds to assign m tasks AHS and AAHS are equivalent. The true comparison has to be done by measur-ing the real timmeasur-ings.

Table 3.1: Size Increase of the Analog Artificial Hormone System

AAHS: Size of the distribution mechanism, which is added to every core

⇒Percentage increase of each core%AAHS =

N i=1

(AAHS core


) N

Equivalent to AHS, the size of the decision modules of AAHS is mapped by AAHS as Table 3.1 states. Again, the size of the monitor circuits and the global routing is neglected. The equivalence of the definition ofAHSandAAHSresults from the equal running conditions (equation (3.7)), due to the flexible redundancy and the decentralized approach.

runningAAHS : N >Nf (3.7)

This leads to the definition of the size overhead of AAHS by equation (3.8). Fur-ther, it is to be assumed that equation (2.17) from page 39 also applies to the analog approach of a hormone system (equation (3.9)).

OAAHS =%AAHS (3.8)

%AAHS <OCB,min = 1

2 (3.9)

Table 3.2: Preliminary Summary of the Analog Hormone System AAHS

Mechanism decentralized symmetric Self-control




hormone loops

•Self-reliance local monitoring ifOAAHS <50% than Size overhead

OAAHSOCB Real-time bounds

to assignmtasks O(m)

Reliability gain Scalability Mixed-signal

task migration yes

Since equation (3.9) is assumed to hold, equation (2.27) also applies to AAHS, concluding equation (3.10).


%AAHS? %AHS (3.11)

Therefore, an overhead comparison in terms of dependability between AHS and AAHS is unrewarding. An accurate comparison of the size of the modules (in µm2) determines, if AAHS precedes AHS in overhead (equation(3.11)).

The mentioned characteristics are measured/compared against the columns of Table 2.3 on page 50, which serve as benchmarks. A first summarizing peek of the AAHS is given in Table 3.2. The gray colored cells are already defined by choosing AHS as reliable architecture enhancing it to AAHS. The filled white cells have just been defined, while the white and empty cells still need to be character-ized. The subscript CB nevertheless represents the centralized controller and the auction-based distribution system. Further, it has to be stated that

• the self-control property ensures the dependability and robustness of AAHS,

3.2 Analog Artificial Hormone System

Hormone Bus

R bl

Digital Monitor

Digi l Core DAC

Recoverable Degradation

Analog Monitor



taski on Eγ switch

Aγ,i Gi



ADC Decision Unit

Decision Module



Figure 3.6: Analog Hormone Loop for Digital Cores

• any task has to be allocated within its real-time bounds,

• no double allocations may occur, but a task dropped by a core has to be reallocated by another,

• the design must be scalable for anyNcores and anym <Ntasks.

The self-reliance heavily depends upon the quality of the monitoring. Local monitors can be simplified, since their task area is narrowed down to the specific characteristics of their respective cores.

The last entry of Table 3.2 states that AAHS, equivalent to AHS, is mixed-signal task migration capable. Figure 3.6 shows the most basic single mixed-signal line connectivity of a processing core to the analog hormone system. The rudimen-tary connection between the core and AAHS allows ataskion/off and acore health statesignal only. Though, the communication between the core and the decision modules can be advanced.

All of the mentioned criteria favor the design of an Analog Artificial Hormone System (AAHS), even though no proven predictions can be made for the reliabil-ity gain and scalabilreliabil-ity until now.