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Convergence tests and BSSE corrections for cluster calculations

Im Dokument Charged point defects in oxides (Seite 131-152)

A. Appendix 121

A.4. Convergence tests and BSSE corrections for cluster calculations

A.4. Convergence tests and BSSE corrections for cluster calculations neutral F center (formed in the center of the cluster) was calculated for increasing shells of em-bedding point charges. This was performed for two different emem-bedding geometries, spherical and cubic. Fig.A.6shows that the formation energy converges fast with respect to the number of embedding shells and that the formation energy does not depend on the embedding geometry.

The calculations were performed using PBE exchange-correlation treatment.

Figure A.6.: Convergence of formation energyG0f for F0in eV with respect to number of point charge embedding shells, calculated with PBE, basis set superposition error has been removed.

a) cube-shaped embedding , b) spherical embedding

For comparison, the formation energies of the F0 center, as calculated with different methods using the embedded Mg6O9 cluster, are shown in TableA.3. A tier 3 basis set was used for all atoms in calculations with FHI-aims, whereG0f is converged within 0.05 eV for all methods shown. TURBOMOLE calculations were performed by S. Sicolo (Humboldt University Berlin).

All formation energies were corrected for the basis set superposition error (BSSE) using the Boys-Bernardi counterpoise correction [198]. The BSSE may arise due to the incompleteness of the atom centered orbital basis sets used in the calculations [99,103,198,247]. Depending on the geometric structure and the basis set used, overlap of basis functions can improve the computed total energy of a system. When energy differences between systems with different numbers of atoms or different atomic arrangements are considered, this may lead to an error, since the superposition of wave functions is not the same for the different atomic configurations.

For the defect formation energyG0f three systems are calculated – the cluster without defect, the cluster with defect, and a bare oxygen atom. For example, in the full cluster the atoms adjacent to the central oxygen atom might profit from its basis functions, while this is not the case, when the central oxygen atom is removed in the cluster with a defect. The BSSE corrections as obtained with FHI-aims for the vertical formation energiesG0f for an F0center, calculated in the embedded Mg6O9 cluster, are shown in TableA.4. In general, the BSSE for GGA and hybrid functional ground state energies is small when computed with FHI-aims, due to the construction of numeric atom-centered basis sets, where the total energy of a free non-spinpolarized atom is

A.4. Convergence tests and BSSE corrections for cluster calculations already converged at the minimum basis set level [99]. For explicitly correlated methods also unoccupied orbitals are needed (see Sec. 2), so that the BSSE becomes severe [103]. Using the counterpoise correction method, the BSSE can be obtained and corrected for (G0f → G0f +

CP(G0f)) by computing the system fragments, here the cluster with a defectEFCP0 and the bare oxygen atom,EOatomCP ), with the same basis functions that are used in the full system (here the pristine cluster) [198],

CP(G0f) =EFCP0 +EO atomCP −(EF0 +EO atom).

Indeed, as shown in Table A.4, the absolute values of the BSSE corrections to the formation energiesG0f are negligible (<0.04 eV) for the GGA functional PBE, and the hybrid functionals HSE06, PBE0, and B3LYP, while for the explicitly correlated methods MP2 and RPA they are as large as 1.71 eV and 2.75 eV, respectively. For all cluster calculations in this work, BSSE-corrected energies were used for consistency when comparing different methods and formation energies calculated with different codes. In general, the BSSE also concerns periodic calcu-lations. Since based on the cluster results its absolute value is assumed to be< 0.04 eV for the GGA and hybrid DFT defect formation energy calculations performed in this work, it was neglected in these calculations.

Table A.3.: Vertical formation energies G0f for F0 in eV, as obtained from embedded Mg6O9 cluster calculations (incl. BSSE corrections).



TURBO- 7.18 – 7.02 7.37 – – 7.09


FHI-aims 7.11 7.03 6.99 7.35 8.05 7.13 –

Table A.4.: Basis set superposition correctionsCPG0 f

in eV, as obtained from embedded Mg6O9 cluster calculations with FHI-aims (see text), using tier 3 basis sets and really tight/safe grid settings.


-0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.04 -1.71 -2.75


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Im Dokument Charged point defects in oxides (Seite 131-152)