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In this thesis initial and final detached constructions in spontaneous oral in Estonian were analysed, where these constructions participate in multiple ways in the structuring of information and discourse building-up processes in ongoing communication.

The detachment constructions were defined on the one hand by certain formal criteria, and by certain semantic and informational properties on the other.

As initial detachments only those constructions which contained either a full NP, a proper noun or a pronominal element in the detached position were analysed; as for final detachments, generally the principle of having a core-ferential resumptive element was retained (detached constituents were full NPs and proper nouns), although some exceptions to these criteria were also discussed. Final detachments were considered as forming a continuum, ranging from typical constructions to structures that contained several repair devices and could thus be considered rather as repairs with some structural similarities to typical final detachments.

Initial detachments are used in discourse most often as structures, allowing the introduction of contrastive elements, elements supporting an argumentation, as examples, or items forming part of a thematic frame, especially in questions where they can occur in ‘listings’. In narrative or monological excerpts the detached construction allows the speaker to come back to an initial question or responds to a need to resume a longer sequence.

Being in the nominative permits the introduction of more complex elements in a more fluent way in the discourse.

The analysis revealed that discourse particles play an important role in the segmentation of utterances from the informational point of view: different markers occur at the intersection of Theme-Rheme in the case of initial detachments. It was found that the particles aga or aga näiteks were very frequent when new referents were introduced within a certain thematic frame.

Also pauses were found between informational constituents, but no regularities could be identified as to their occurrence. There could be a correlation in the case of initial detachments between the occurrence of such markers and the distance of the main clause from the lexical elements, but this claim needs more support from quantitative investigations.

It was also possible to observe the variable use of different pronominal forms, depending on the status of the referent and the general referential frame:

see and ta are generally assigned to inanimates and animates respectively, but this tendency can be completely reversed in the case of specific referential relations that are built up for example between first-plane and second-plane elements, or where there are several competing referents of different natures.

The repair or reinterpreting nature of detachments can also be observed in the case of initial detachments where the speaker regularly makes false starts


and struggles to formulate the desired utterance, and where the initial detach-ment, by its ‘decondensed’ nature, helps to clearly bring out the exact referent first (this process also being simplified by the fact that these constituents appear in the nominative case) and then to convey the speaker’s message about this referent. This way, the formulation effort is concentrated especially on the sequence preceding the lexical element itself, when the speaker has taken the floor, trying to bring in a referent that is sometimes difficult to formulate in clear terms, but the initial detachment as a construction has certain properties (nominative case) that alleviate the difficulty of formulation, so the speaker is generally able to arrive at a clear result in terms of reference.

As for final detachments, the formulation effort is somewhat different, because the Rheme is placed at the foreground (often one can find it in evaluative or emotional contexts that reinforce this impression) and receives the most attention and editing effort, but given that the cataphoric pronoun is not often modified later in the detached construction, it confirms the existence of a closer link between the main clause and the detached lexical element already during the formulation process: the speaker seems to already have in mind the lexical element he is going to place after the main clause.

In the case of final detachments there is a pattern that seems quite regular in oral speech: the speaker seems to have planned this construction as such (although it cannot be assured in all cases, since oral language is in a constant adaptation and adjustment process during communication). It can still be argued that speakers often ‘intentionally’ form utterances that call for a final detachment (or other functionally similar means), when they make utterances containing pronouns and where there are no referents present that can be resumed by the pronoun or when there are several competing referents and only one will be picked up. This type of utterance offers the possibility of setting the Rheme at the foreground, put the accent on ‘action’ and leave the question of reference for later resolution; this corresponds to the need of oral speech to give information by portions and to assure that the discourse participants understand the status of the referents in an adequate manner.

Based on these findings, it is possible to make some assumptions about the relative frequency and conventionalization of these constructions in spoken Estonian: it seems generally less grammaticalized compared to French, for example, where there are certain recurrent question types where the detached construction is the preferred construction in many discourse types; also, some other structures seem to be conventionalized in French, like definition re-quirements (Fernandez-Vest 2015:44). As for the Estonian data, no such general pattern could be observed, but nevertheless it seems that in the case of initial detachments the most dynamic type of utterance in this regard is also the interrogative and this type of utterance could form the basis for the ongoing grammaticalization of this structure. As concerns the final detachments, similarly, the interrogatives showed clear stabilized patterns in our corpus, to


which can also be added the resumptive function of final detachments that mark the end of a development, often by a generalization performed by the lexical constituent.

The corpus used for this analysis was made up of relatively different discourse types (spontaneous conversations, institutional dialogues, interviews), but didn’t cover all types of oral language use and as the approach was qualitative, it was not possible to draw conclusions by taking account the particular types of discourse. However, it can be presumed that the longer (monological) excerpts favoured the appearance of detached constructions in a more generalizing function, the institutional dialogues (containing many information requests) displayed many occurrences in interrogative form, allowing the introduction of elements that were not mentioned in the immediate surroundings or were only present in the given thematic frame, and the more spontaneous conversations contained more examples of evaluative utterances or emotional expressions that were often associated with final detachments.

As concerns the Information Structuring processes at the discourse level, it could be noted in many cases that the referents of detached constructions did not stay topical during long sequences. However, in the case of initial detachments, the referents can remain in a discourse during several turns, and specifically, they allow a reinterpretation of a whole sequence or resumption of an initial idea that have been overshadowed meanwhile by other referents and developments. Besides adding a new perspective, the initial detachments can also have some textual functions like postponing the predicative part of the utterance.

One type of final detachment seemed to function at the discourse level, constituting a resuming element after a longer sequence; by this, they help to assure a circular cohesion in discourse or to get the exact reference right, when during the ongoing conversation there have been disturbances as to the correct referent.

As a common characteristic of these constructions it can be observed, stemming from their basically oral nature (and related also to the corpus that was analysed for the purposes of the present thesis), that they allow the information to be staged in the ongoing discourse and the necessary adaptations to be made in real-time communication. This leads to the differences between these two constructions from the point of view of managing the information in discourse. From this perspective, these two constructions seem to be funda-mentally different, when one considers the way of introducing the referent: in the case of initial detachments, most effort is given to the formulation of the lexical element itself. Often, this is preceded by various discursive material or a draft of the idea for which a more felicitous formulation is sought. In this case, the initial detachment comes as a sort of resolution (usually no repairs are associated to the detached element); however, at the same time, the discourse building work continues, as the lexical element is given in the nominative and the exact predication is added afterwards, accompanied by a resumptive word in


an adequate grammatical case. With regards to the final detachments, the approach is completely different: first, a predication is given, usually in a quite smooth formulation (sometimes, however, the speaker makes some self-repairs to the resumptive word). Given that the grammatical case is usually conditioned by the resumptive word, which has to be inserted to the main clause without creating disturbances, the transition from this element to the final lexical element demands less effort, even if the semantic ‘gap’ is filled only at the end.

Having said that, the analysis has also revealed that this construction allows the introduction of several types of referents as regards their informational status, so that it can be concluded that this type of construction is sufficiently grammaticalized in order to permit a non-problematic interpretation during the communication process.

At the discourse level, and related to the different informational status of the discourse referents, the use of initial and final detachments allows the referen-cing processes to be managed, since these constructions are able to encompass a wide range of referents with regards to their status in the ongoing discourse:

most typical referents are present in the discourse or in the thematic frame, but associated to the relative clauses, the initial detachments can introduce new (unmentioned) referents in the discourse; this also characterizes final detach-ments, where the pattern of giving first the predication, followed by the referent probably provides a necessary processing means for introducing unmentioned referents.

Possible further investigation domains could be linked to questions that could not be addressed in the framework of the present thesis: the complex problem of integrating the prosodical level into the investigation; analysis of other types of detached constructions or some borderline constructions, taking better into account the specificities of Estonian; contrastive analyses on typologically close languages, such as Finnish or other Finno-Ugric languages; quantitative studies and studies on certain types of detached constructions that could be on the way of grammaticalization in Estonian. The possible grammaticalization of these constructions could be observed by performing analyses on other types of corpora, taking into account the influence of Indo-European languages, especially English.



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