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Complexity of Bayesian-based boosting

5.2. AFTERTHOUGHTS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH 95 step-length is always a good choice, since the optimal value does not consistently have a

5.2.3 Complexity of Bayesian-based boosting

The improvement of computing efficiency is always an important research topic. Instead of the negative attitude to look forward to the development of computers to achieve the purpose of improving efficiency, the optimization of the framework and the analytical solution or mathematical approximation to the steps are the practical way of thinking.

As illustrated in algorithm 6, the proposed Bayesian-based boosting endures problem of complexity due to the three nested for loops, and the problem becomes sever in case of complex base-learners such as spatial effects. In addition, the complexity scales exponentially with the number of covariates and accounting for the tuning of model parameters, it is impractical to use Bayesian-based boosting to analyse large scale data.

Even though base-learners can be computed in parallel, it does not change the intrinsic nature of boosting and MCMC procedure, i.e. the pseudo-residuals can only be obtained after the finish of last boosting iteration, and likewise, the next MCMC sample is only available after the previous one has been drawn. The implementation of Bayesian inference in boosting framework makes the two method that are not so efficient more complicated. One possible solution is to replace the MCMC process with integrated nested Laplace approximations (INLA), but more works are needed to get a better knowledge about the effectiveness and efficiency as well as the bias induced by the approximation.


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A.1 Derive the analytical ASL for the Gaussian