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An algorithm to check stability

Im Dokument logoV 38 (Seite 133-174)

4. Stability of objective structures 93

4.6. An algorithm to check stability

Due to the main results of the thesis, we can now give an algorithm which checks if (G, x0, V) is stable with respect tok · kR, see Definition 4.8. The algorithm for the stability with respect tok · kR,0,0 is analogous.

Algorithm 4.56. Given is a discrete groupG<E(d) and its associated groupsF,S and setT, see Definition 2.6, some pointx0∈Rd such that the mapG →Rd,g7→g·x0 is injective, and an interaction potentialV, see Definition 4.1. Since the algorithm is numeric and by (H3), we may assume thatV has finite support.

(i) Check if χGx0 is a critical point of the configurational energy E, e. g. by computing the derivative gV(y0) for all g ∈ suppV, see Definition 4.1, the vector eV, see Definition 4.11 and checking if eV = 0, see Corollary 4.16.

(ii) Determine the derivativeghV(y0) for all g, h∈suppV, see Defi-nition 4.1. Then compute the functionfV by computingfV(g) for all g ∈ ({id} ∪suppV)−1({id} ∪suppV), see Definition 4.11 and Remark 4.12(ii).

(iii) Determine a setRwith Property 2, see Definition 3.5. Fix a bijec-tionϕ:R → {0, . . . ,|R| −1}. Thus the map

ψ:Uiso(R),→Rd|R|, u7→(u(ϕ−1(0)), . . . , u(ϕ−1(|R| −1)))T, which maps a function to a column vector, is an embedding, where Uiso(R) is defined in Definition 3.1. By Proposition 3.28 and the Gram-Schmidt process, we can determine an orthonormal basis{b1, . . . , bn}ofψ(Uiso(R)), wheren= dim(Uiso(R)). LetBbe the d|R|-by-nmatrix (b1, . . . , bn). The matrixId|R|BBTis the orthogonal projection matrix with kernel ψ(Uiso(R)). Now we can determine the function gR, i. e. the matrix gR(g) for all g ∈ R, see Defini-tion 4.43 and Remark 4.44.

(iv) Determine a representation setRofT Fd/∼, e. g. with Lemma 2.36, where∼is the equivalence relation defined in Definition 2.32. For all ρR determine the space group Gρ, see Definition 2.38 and Definition 4.53, with, e. g., Proposition 2.39, and determine a rep-resentation set (or a fundamental domain, see Remark 4.55(i))Kρ


(v) Fix a complete set of representatives of the cosets of T F in G.

Thus the induced representation Ind(χkρ) is well-defined for all ρRand kKρ, see Definition 2.29 and Definition 2.23. For all ρR and kKρ the matrices fV


(Ind(χkρ)) andVgR(Ind(χkρ)) can be computed with Definition 2.59. For all ρR and all but finitely many kKρ, the matrixVgR(Ind(χkρ)) has full rank and thus the real number λmin(fV


(Ind(χkρ)), gR


(Ind(χkρ)) can easily be computed, see Definition 4.49 and Remark 4.50(ii). Due to the upper semicontinuity, see Lemma 4.52, by Theorem 4.54 we can compute the extended real numberλa.

(vi) The triple (G, x0, V) is stable with respect to k · kR if and only if χGx0 is a critical point of Eandλa>0, see Definition 4.8.

In the following two examples, we investigate the stability of a triple (Gi, xi, Vi) for alliI, where I is a suitable index set. The figures are generated with the programming language Python, seehttps://github.

com/Toymodel-Nanotube/for the source code.

Example 4.57. A suitable toy model for the investigation of stability is an atom chain.

Leta > 0 be the scale factor,t = ta = (I2, ae2)∈ E(2) and G =Ga = hti<E(2) analogously to Definition 2.63 and Definition 2.63.

We define the interaction potentialV =Va, see Definition 4.1 and Re-mark 4.2(iv), by

Va(y) =v1(ky(ta)k) +v2(ky(t2a)k), where

v1: (0,∞)→R, r7→r−12r−6 is the Lennard-Jones potential and

v2: (0,∞)→R, r7→8r−6. Letx0= 02. By Lemma 4.6 for alla >0 we have

E(χGx0) =V(y0) =a−12−7 8a−6,

where E = Ea is the configurational energy and y0 = y0,a = (g·x0x0)g∈Ga. We define

a:= arg min


E(χGx0) = 6 r16

7 ≈1.1477.

Thus the structure G ·x0 is stretched (resp. compressed) if a > a (resp. a < a). Now we investigate its stability numerically with Al-gorithm 4.56.

(i) By Corollary 4.17 the functionχGx0 is a critical point ofE for all a >0.

(ii) We have

ghV(y0) =







 6a−8

−2a−6+ 1 0 0 26a−6−7

ifg=h=t 2−43a−8

−1 0

0 7


02,2 else.

We have ({id} ∪suppV)−1({id} ∪suppV) ={t−2, . . . , t2} and

(iii) Since the set {id, t} has Property 1 and {t} generates G, the set R={id, t, t2}has Property 2. We define the functions Uiso(R) andUiso,0,0(R), respectively. We define the bijectionϕ:R

→ {0,1,2}bytn 7→nfor alln∈ {0,1,2}. Let ψbe the embedding Uiso(R),→R6, u7→(u(ϕ−1(0)), . . . , u(ϕ−1(2))).

A computation shows that the orthogonal projection matrices ofR6 with kernelsψ(Uiso(R)) andψ(Uiso,0,0(R)) are

respectively. Thus the functions gR and gR,0,0 of Definition 4.43 set of T F/∼d by Lemma 2.36(i). Recall Definition 2.28. We have S =h(I1, a)i, LS =haiand LS =ha−1i. By Proposition 2.39 we have {k ∈ R|(I1, k) ∈ Gid} = ha−1i and thus Gid = h(I1, a−1)i.

The intervalKid = [0, a−1) is a representation set ofR/Gid. (v) For allkKid we have IndGT Fχk =χk. We have

{k∈Kid|VgRk) has full rank}=Kid\ {0}


{k∈Kid|VgR,0,0k) has full rank}=Kid\ {0}.

For all kKid \ {0} we can compute λmin(fV


k), gVRk)) and λmin(fV


k), gVR,0,0k)). In particular we can computeλa=λa(a) andλa,0,0=λa,0,0(a) numerically, see Figure 4.1.

(vi) In the compressed case a∈(0, a) we haveλa =−∞andλa,0,0 ∈ (−∞,0) and thus (G, x0, V) is not stable with respect to bothk · kR and k · kR,0,0. Now we investigate the stretched case, i. e. a > a. Leta∗∗=p6

26/7≈1.244455. For alla∈(a, a∗∗) we haveλa>0 and λa,0,0 > 0 and thus (G, x0, V) is stable with respect to both k · kR and k · kR,0,0. For alla > a∗∗ we have E00Gx0)(u, u)<0, whereu=e2χ{tn|n∈2Z}. In particular we haveλa<0 andλa,0,0<

0 and thus (G, x0, V) is not stable with respect to bothk · kR and k · kR,0,0 for alla > a∗∗.

Notice that in the stretched casea∈(a, a∗∗), the appropriate seminorm for the stability isk · kR,0,0. For the equilibrium caseaa, the weaker seminormk · kRis appropriate since lima→aλa= 0 and lima&aλa,0,0>


Example 4.58. There exists a huge literature on the stability of (n, m) nanotubes as zigzag or armchair nanotubes, see, e. g., [30]. Each (n, m) nanotube is the orbit of some point inR3 under the action of a discrete subgroup of E(3). Thus its stability can be checked with Algorithm 4.56.

In this example we investigate the stability of a (5,1) nanotube, see Fig-ure 4.2.

For all scale factorsa >0 and angles α∈(0, π) we define: Let R(α)∈ O(2) be the rotation matrix as in (2.1), t = ta,α = (R(α)⊕I1, ae3) ∈ E(3), p= (I1⊕(−I2),03) ∈ E(3) and G = Ga,α be the discrete group ht, pi<E(3), i. e.G={tmpq|m∈Z, q∈ {0,1}}. For allx∈R3 we have G ·xCx, whereCxis the cylinder{y∈R3|y21+y22=x21+x22}.

Let N = Na,α ={tp, t6p, t7p}. Let Ua,α ⊂R3 be the set of all points x∈R3 for which the map G →R3, g7→ g·xis injective and the three nearest neighbors ofxin G ·xare the pointsN ·x, i. e.



g∈ No



g∈ G \(N ∪ {id})o . Let

W :=

(a, α, x)

a >0, α∈(0, π), x∈Ua,α .

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2

0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

1.12 1.14 1.16 1.18 1.20 1.22 1.24

0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Figure 4.1.: For the toy model as described in Example 4.57, the graphs ofλmin(cfVk),gcRk)) (blue) andλmin(cfVk),g\R,0,0k)) (orange) dependent on kKid\ {0} are plotted on the top plot for the choice a= 1.22. The points (a,0) and (a∗∗,0) and the graphs ofλa(blue) andλa,0,0(orange) dependent on the scale factor aare plotted on the bottom plot.


Figure 4.2.: As described in Example 4.57, the orbit of the point xa0

under the action of the groupGa00 is a (5,1) nanotube. We have a natural bijection between the group elements and the atoms.

Analogously to [30] we define the interaction potential V = Va,α, see Definition 4.1 and Remark 4.2(iv), by

V(y) =1 2



v1(ky(g)k) +1 2



v2(y(g), y(h)), where

v1: (0,∞)→R, r7→(r−1)2 is atwo-body potential and

v2:{(x, y)|x, y∈R3\ {0}} →R,(x, y)7→

hx, yi kxkkyk +1

2 2

is athree-body potential. Thus the bonded points of G ·x tend to have distance 1 and thebond anglestend to form 2π/3 angles. By Lemma 4.6 for all (a, α, x) ∈ W we have E(χGx) = V(y0), where E =Ea,α is the configurational energy andy0=y0,a,α,x= (g·xx)g∈Ga,α.

First we consider the (5,1) nanotube. We define α0:= 11π/31≈1.115


xa:=a(rcos(β), rsin(β),7/3)∈R3 for alla >0, wherer= 31/(π√

3) andβ= 5π/31. With the formulas in [22] it follows that for all (a, α, x) ∈ W the set G ·xis a so called (5,1) nanotube if and only ifα=α0 andx=xa. The bond length of the unrolled (5,1) nanotubeGa,α0·xa, i. e. the distance of two neighbored points ofGa,α0·xa

with respect to the induced metric of the manifold Cx, is equal to 1 if and only ifa=a0, where

a0:= 3/(2√


Now we investigate numerically with Algorithm 4.56 the stability of the (5,1) nanotube, more precisely of (Ga,α0, xa, Va,α0).

(i) For alla >0 we haveeVa,α0 6= 0, see Figure 4.3, and thusχGa,α


is not a critical point ofEa,α0. Thus we can proceed with (vi).

(vi) By (i) for all a > 0 the triple (Ga,α0, xa, Va,α0) is not stable with respect to bothk · kR and k · kR,0,0.

0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.0

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25

Figure 4.3.: For the (5,1) nanotube as described in Example 4.58, the graphs of the energyE(χGa,α

0xa) and the norm ofeVa,α

0 de-pendent on the scale factoraare plotted in blue and orange, respectively. For alla, we haveeVa,α

0 6= 0 and thus the (5,1) nanotube is not stable.

We define

(a, α, x) := arg min



≈(0.263,1.117,(1.388,0.776,0.626)) and

xa := arg min


E(χGx) for allaa.

In particular we havex=xa. We have (a, α, x)≈(a0, α0, xa0) and thus the nanotubeGa·xis approximately equal to the (5,1) nanotube Ga00·xa0. Now for allaawe check the stability of (Ga,α, xa, Va,α) numerically with Algorithm 4.56.

(i) For all aa the function χGxa is a critical point of E by Re-mark 4.15(ii) and Corollary 4.16.

(ii) We have

suppV ={tp, t6p, t7p}


suppfV ={t−6, t−5, t−1, id, t, t5, t6, tp, t6p, t7p}

by Remark 4.15(ii). The first and second derivative of V can be computed, e. g., with the Python library SymPy and fV can be computed numerically by Definition 4.11.

(iii) Since{t−1, id, t, p}has Property 1 and {t, p} generatesG, by Defi-nition 3.5 the set

R=Ra :={t−1, id, t, t2, t−1p, p, tp}

has Property 2. We define the bijectionϕbetweenRand{0, . . . ,6}

byϕ(tm) =m+ 1 for allm∈ {−1,0,1,2} andϕ(tmp) =m+ 5 for allm∈ {−1,0,1}. For all aawe define the functions

bi=bi,a:R →R3, g7→L(g)Tei for alli∈ {1,2,3}


bi=bi,a:R →R3, g7→L(g)TAi(g·xaxa) for alli∈ {4,5,6}, where


0−1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

, A5=

0 0−1 0 0 0 1 0 0

andA6= 0 0 0

0 0−1 0 1 0


By Proposition 3.28 the sets{b1, . . . , b6}and{b1, . . . , b4}are bases of Uiso(R) and Uiso,0,0(R), respectively. With, e. g., the Gram-Schmidt process we can determine functions b01, . . . , b06:R → R3 such that {b01, . . . , b06} and {b01, . . . , b04} are orthonormal bases of Uiso(R) andUiso,0,0(R), respectively. A bijection between{u:R → C3} and C21 is given by u 7→ (u(ϕ−1(0)), . . . , u(ϕ−1(6))). Let B = (b01, . . . , b06) ∈ R21×6 and B0 = (b01, . . . , b04) ∈ R21×4. The matricesP=I21BBTandP0=I21B0B0Tare orthogonal pro-jection matrices with kernels Uiso(R) andUiso,0,0(R), respectively.

Letp0, . . . , p6, p0,0, . . . , p0,6∈R21×3such thatP = (p0, . . . , p6) and P0 = (p0,0, . . . , p0,6). For the functions gR and gR,0,0 of Defini-tion 4.43 we have

suppgR= suppgR,0,0=R,

gR(g) =pϕ(g) for allg∈ R


gR,0,0(g) =p0,ϕ(g) for allg∈ R.

(iv) We haveT F=T =hti,M0=Nand{id}is a representation set of T F/∼d by Lemma 2.36(i). Recall Definition 2.28. We haveLS =hai and LS = ha−1i. By Proposition 2.39 we have {k ∈ R|(I1, k) ∈ Gid} =ha−1iand thus Gid ={((−I1)q, ma−1)|m∈Z, q ∈ {0,1}}.

The intervalKid = [0,1/(2a)) is a representation set ofR/Gid. (v) The set{id, p} is a complete set of representatives of the cosets of

T F in G. For all kKid andg∈ G we have

IndGT Fχk(g) =





χk(g) 0 0 χk(p−1gp)

ifg∈ T F 0 χk(gp)

χk(p−1g) 0


Now for all kKid, it is easy to compute the complex 6-by-6 matricesfV


(Indχk),VgR(Indχk) andVgR,0,0(Indχk). We have {k∈Kid|VgR(Indχk) has full rank}=Kid\ {0, α/(2πa)}


{k∈Kid|VgR,0,0(Indχk) has full rank}=Kid\ {0, α/(2πa)}.

For all kKid\ {0, α/(2πa)} we can compute λmin(fV


(Indχk), gR


(Indχk)) andλmin(fV


(Indχk), gR,0,0


(Indχk)). In particular we can computeλa(a, α) andλa,0,0(a, α) numerically, see Figure 4.4.

(vi) In the stretched case a > a, we have both λa(a, α) > 0 and λa,0,0(a, α) > 0 and thus (Ga,α, xa,α, Va,α) is stable with re-spect to both k · kR and k · kR,0,0. In the compressed case a ∈ (0, a) we have λa(a, α) = −∞ and λa,0,0(a, α) < 0 and thus (Ga,α, xa,α, Va,α) is not stable with respect to both k · kR and k · kR,0,0.

Notice that in the stretched case a > a, the appropriate seminorm for the stability is k · kR,0,0. For the equilibrium case aa, the weaker seminorm k · kR is appropriate since lima&aλa,0,0(a, α) = 0 and lima&aλa(a, α)>0.

For all aa and αα we can compute λa(a, α) and λa,0,0(a, α) analogously. For αα the graphs of λa, α) and λa,0,0, α) are similar to the graphs ofλa, α) and λa,0,0, α). As an example, we consider

αa:= arg min


E(χGxa,α) for allaα, see Figure 4.5. In Figure 4.5 the graphs of the functions

a7→Relative difference λa(a, α), λa(a, αa) and

a7→Relative difference λa,0,0(a, α), λa,0,0(a, αa) are plotted, where

Relative difference(x, y) :=|x−y|/max{|x|,|y|} for allx, y∈R.

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 0.0

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30

0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04

Figure 4.4.: For the nanotube as described in Example 4.58, the point (α/(2πa),0) and the graphs ofλmin(fcVk),gcRk)) (blue) and λmin(cfVk),g\R,0,0k)) (orange) dependent on kKid\{0, α/(2πa)}are plotted on the top plot for the choice a =a. The point (a,0) and and the graphs of λa (blue) andλa,0,0 (orange) dependent on the scale factor are plotted on the bottom plot.

0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.0000

0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.0010


0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30

0.0000 0.0005 0.0010 0.0015 0.0020 0.0025 0.0030 0.0035

Figure 4.5.: For the nanotube as described in Example 4.57, the point (a, α(a)) and the graph of the angleα(a) dependent on the scale factor aare plotted on the top plot. The point (a,0) and the graphs of Relative difference λa(a, α), λa(a, αa) (blue) and Relative difference λa,0,0(a, α), λa,0,0(a, αa)

(or-ange) dependent on the scale factor a are plotted on the bottom plot.

A. The configurational energy restricted to U iso,0,0U per

In the following we prove Remark 4.30(iii), see Proposition A.3. Propo-sition A.3 is similar to PropoPropo-sition 4.29.

Lemma A.1. Suppose thatV is weakly* sequentially continuous. Then for all functions y:G \ {id} →Rd and constantsC, c >0 there exists a finite setA ⊂ G \ {id}such that

|V(y+z)V(y)|< c

for allzL(G \ {id},Rd)with kzkC andz(g) = 0for all g∈ A.

Proof. This is clear since V is weakly* sequentially continuous and by Exercise 2.51b) in [37].

Remark A.2. A sequence (yn)n∈N in L(G \ {id},Rd) converges to yL(G \ {id},Rd) with respect to the weak* topology if and only if the sequence (yn)n∈N is bounded and (yn)n∈N converges componentwise to y, i. e. limn→∞yn(g) =y(g) for allg∈ G \ {id}, see Exercise 2.51 in [37].

Proposition A.3. Suppose that V is weakly* sequentially continuous, E0Gx0) = 0and letuUiso,0,0Uper. Then it holdsE00Gx0)(u, u) = 0and d33E(χGx0+τ u)

τ=0= 0.

Proof. Suppose thatVis weakly* sequentially continuous andE0Gx0) = 0. Thus for the monotonically increasing function

r: [0,∞)→[0,∞) t7→sup


uBt(0) it holds



t2 = sup{E00Gx0)(u, u)|uUper}<∞, (A.1) whereBt(0) ={u∈Uper| kuk< t} for allt >0.

LetuUiso,0,0Uper. There exist somea∈Rd and S∈ ⊕(Skew(d1)× {0d2,d2}) such that

L(g)u(g) =a+S(g·x0x0) for allg∈ G.

Since differentiability implies locally boundedness, there exist someδ >0 andC1>0 such that

|V(y0+w)| ≤C1 for allwBδ(0), whereBδ(0) ={w∈L(G \ {id},Rd)| kwk< δ}. Let

C2= 2kx0ksup

e−τ SId+τ Se−τ S2

τ ∈(−1,1) ≥0.

By Taylor’s theorem we haveC2<∞. Let t0= min{1,p

δ/(2C2)}>0, wherea/0 :=∞for alla >0.

Now we show that

|E(χGx0+tu)E(χGx0)| ≤r(C2t2) +t4 for allt∈(−t0, t0). (A.2) Lett∈(−t0, t0)\ {0}. We define the functionv:G →Rd by

g·v(g) =x0+ e−tS(Id+tS)(g·x0x0) for allg∈ G, see also Figure A.1. We have

kv−χGx0k= sup{kv(g)−x0k |g∈ G}

= sup{kg·v(g)g·x0k |g∈ G}

= sup


(g·x0x0) g∈ G

= sup


(L(g)x0x0) g∈ G


e−tSId+tSe−tS kx0k

C2t2, (A.3)

where in the forth step we used thatSτ(g) = 0 for allg∈ G. In particular, we havevL(G,Rd) and


2. (A.4)

For allg∈ G we define the map

ϕg:Uper→ {w:G \ {id} →Rd}

w7→ G \ {id} →Rd, h7→(gh)·w(gh)g·w(g) .


S1 S2


g·x0 g·v(g)


Figure A.1.: In this figure foru,v,a,Sandtas in the proof of Lemma A.3 and g ∈ G, the points x0, g·x0, g·(x0+u(g))a and g·v(g) and the setsS1={x0+A(g·x0x0)|A∈O(d)}, S2={x0+ (Id+ ˜S)(g·x0−x0)|S˜∈ ⊕(Skew(d1)× {0d2,d2})}

and S3 = {x0+A(Id +tS)(g·x0x0)|A ∈ O(d)} are displaced.

For allg∈ G we have

ϕgGx0+tu) = (gh)·x0+tL(gh)u(gh)



= (gh)·x0+ta+tS((gh)·x0x0)



= (Id+tS)((gh)·x0g·x0)


= etS((gh)·v(gh)g·v(g))


=etSϕg(v). (A.5)

For allA ⊂ G \ {id} we denote BA:=

wL(G \ {id},Rd)

kwkRandw(g) = 0 for allg∈ A , whereR= 2(kx0k+t0kuk). Let NM0 such that uis TN-periodic.

SinceV is weakly* sequentially continuous, by Lemma A.1 for allg∈ CN

there exists a finite setAg⊂ G \ {id} such that V(ϕgGx0+tu) +w)−V(ϕgGx0+tu))

< t4

2 for allwBAg. (A.6) LetA =S

g∈CNAg. Equation (A.5), (H1) and (A.6) imply that for all g∈ G we have



V(ϕg(v) +w)Vg(v))

= sup


V(e−tSϕgGx0+tu) +w)V(e−tSϕgGx0+tu))

= sup


V(ϕgGx0+tu) +w)VgGx0+tu))

= sup


V(ϕ˜gGx0+tu) +w)V˜gGx0+tu))


2, (A.7)

where in the third line ˜g∈ Gis defined by the condition{˜g}=gTN∩ CN. Let m ∈ N such that M0 = mN. Since Tm is isomorphic to Zd2, there existt1, . . . , td2 ∈ Tmsuch that {t1, . . . , td2}generatesTm. With-out loss of generality we assume that Cn ={tn11. . . tndd2

2 g|n1, . . . , nd2 ∈ {0, . . . , n/m−1}, g ∈ Cm} for all nM0, see Remark 2.51(ii). There exists somen0 ∈Nsuch that

CmA ⊂ {tn11. . . tndd2

2 |n1, . . . , nd2 ∈ {−n0, . . . , n0}}Cm. Thus there exists someN0M0 such thatN divides N0 and

|CN0\ D|

|CN0| < t4

4C1, (A.8)

where D={g ∈ CN0|gA ⊂ CN0}. We define the TN0-periodic function


vUper by


v(g) :=v(g) for allg∈ CN0. It holds

|E(˜v)−E(χGx0)| ≤r(k˜v−χGx0k)≤r(kv−χGx0k)≤r(C2t2), (A.9) where we used (A.3) in the last step. Moreover, we have

|E(χGx0+tu)E(˜v)| ≤ 1

|CN0| X



= 1

|CN0| X



= 1

|CN0| X



≤ 1

|CN0| X




|V(ϕg(v))−Vg(v) +w)|

+ 2

|CN0| X




|V(ϕgGx0) +w)|

t4 2 +t4

2 =t4, (A.10)

where we used (A.5) in the second step, (H1) in the third step, (A.4) in the forth step and (A.7) and (A.8) in the fifth step. Equation (A.9) and (A.10) imply (A.2).

By (A.2) and (A.1) we have lim sup


E(χGx0+tu)E(χGx0) t3

≤lim sup



t3 +t= 0 and thus,E00Gx0)(u, u) = 0 and d33E(χGx0+τ u)

τ=0= 0.

B. Representation theory

We need the following propositions in Chapter 2.

In general, the dual space of a locally compact group contains infinite-dimensional representations. In contrast to the rest of the thesis, in the following when we use the term representation, we mean a finite- or infinite-dimensional representation on a Hilbert space.

Proposition B.1 (Proposition 1.35 in [43]). Let ρbe a continuous uni-tary representation of a locally compact group G on the Hilbert space H(ρ). Thenρis irreducible if and only if

commutant ofρ(G) :={T ∈ B(H(ρ))|T ρ(g) =ρ(g)T for allgG}


whereB(H(ρ))denotes the space of bounded linear operators from H(ρ) toH(ρ)andI is the identity operator on H(ρ).

Proposition B.2 (Proposition 1.71 in [43]). Let N be a closed normal subgroup of a locally compact group Gandq:GG/N be the quotient homomorphism. The mapρ7→ρq is a homeomorphism of G/N[ with the closed subset ofGb consisting of those elements ofGbwhich annihilate N.

C. Seminorms

We need the following definitions and lemma in Chapter 3.

Definition C.1. Given a vector space V over a field K ∈ {R,C}, a seminorm is a functionp:V →[0,∞) such that

p(u+v)p(u) +p(v) (subadditivty) and

p(αv) =|α|p(v) (absolute homogeneity) for allu, vV andα∈K.

Definition C.2. We say that two seminormsp1andp2on a vector space areequivalent if there exist two constantsc, C >0 such that


RemarkC.3. It is clear that for a given vector space this definition induces an equivalence relation on the set of all seminorms on that vector space.

The following lemma is well-known, see, e. g., [35, Exercise 36, p.206].

Lemma C.4. Letp1 andp2two seminorms on a finite-dimensional vec-tor space. Thenp1 andp2are equivalent if and only ifker(p1) = ker(p2).

Proof. Ifp1andp2 are equivalent then it is clear that ker(p1) = ker(p2).

Let ker(p1) = ker(p2) and call the domain of p1 andp2 the vector space V. Thenp1andp2are norms on the quotient spaceV /ker(p1). Since all norms on a finite-dimensional vector space are equivalent the normsp1

andp2onV /ker(p1) are equivalent. This implies that also the seminorms p1 andp2 onV are equivalent.

D. Miscellaneous results

In [10, p. 440] the Kronecker product is defined.

Definition D.1 (Kronecker product). LetA= (aij)∈Cm×n andB = (bij)∈Cp×q. Then, theKronecker product AB ∈C(mp)×(nq)ofAand B is the partitioned matrix


a11B · · · a1nB ... . .. ... am1B · · · amnB


Remark D.2. If we sayv∈Cn, thenv is a column vector, i. e.v∈Cn×1. Thus, the Kronecker productABis also defined ifA∈Cn orB∈Cn. For the basic properties of the Kronecker product we refer to [10].

Lemma D.3. For all m, n ∈ N let Pm,n ∈ O(mn) be the Kronecker permutation matrix such that

Pp,m(A⊗B)Pn,q=BA for all A∈Cm×n andB∈Cp×q, see [10, Fact 7.4.30]. For all natural numbers m, n1, . . . , nk ∈ N let Qm,n1,...,nk ∈O(m(n1+· · ·+nk)) be the permutation matrix (Pm,n1

· · · ⊕Pm,nk)Pn1+···+nk,m. Then the following statements hold:

(i) For allAi∈Cmi×ni,i∈ {1, . . . , k}, andB∈Cp×q we have (A1⊕ · · · ⊕Ak)⊗B= (A1B)⊕ · · · ⊕(AkB).

(ii) For all A∈Cm×n andBi∈Cpi×qi,i∈ {1, . . . k}, we have A⊗(B1⊕· · ·⊕Bk) =QTm,p

1,...,pk((A⊗B1)⊕· · ·⊕(A⊗Bk))Qn,q1,...,qk. (iii) For allA∈Cm×n andB1, . . . , Bk∈Cp×q we have

A⊗(B1⊕· · ·⊕Bk) = (Pm,k⊗Ip)((A⊗B1)⊕· · ·⊕(A⊗Bk))(Pk,n⊗Iq).

Proof. (i) This is easy to check.

(ii) For allA∈Cm×n andBi∈Cpi×qi,i∈ {1, . . . , k}, we have A⊗(B1⊕ · · · ⊕Bk)

=Pm,p1+···+pk((B1⊕ · · · ⊕Bk)⊗A)Pq1+···+qk,n

=Pm,p1+···+pk((B1A)⊕ · · · ⊕(BkA))Pq1+···+qk,n

=Pm,p1+···+pk((Pp1,m(A⊗B1)Pn,q1)⊕ · · ·


=QTm,p1,...,pk((A⊗B1)⊕ · · · ⊕(A⊗Bk))Qn,q1,...,qk. (iii) By Fact 7.4.30viii) in [10] we have

Qn,q,...,q= (IkPn,q)Pkq,n =Pk,nIq.

It is well-known that commuting orthogonal matrices are simultaneously quasidiagonalisable:

Theorem D.4. Let S ⊂O(n)be a nonempty commuting family of real orthogonal matrices. Then there exist a real orthogonal matrixQ and a nonnegative integerqsuch that, for eachA∈ S,QTAQis a real quasidi-agonal matrix of the form

Λ(A)⊕R(θ1(A))⊕ · · · ⊕R(θq(A))

in which each Λ(A) = diag(±1, . . . ,±1) ∈ R(n−2q)×(n−2q), R(θ) is the rotation matrix(cossinθθcossinθθ)and eachθj(A)∈[0,2π).

Proof. This follows immediately by [39, Corollary 2.5.11.(c), Theorem 2.5.15].

We now state Kronecker’s approximation theorem, see, e. g., Corollary 2 on page 20 in [38].

Theorem D.5 (Kronecker’s approximation theorem). For each irra-tional number α the set of numbers {αnreduced modulo 1|n ∈ N} is dense in the whole interval[0,1).

We also need Turán’s third theorem, see Theorem 11.1 on page 126 in [57].

Theorem D.6 (Turán’s third theorem). Let b1, . . . , bn, z1, . . . , zn ∈C. Ifm is a nonnegative integer and thezj are restricted by


maxj|zj| ≥δ(>0), zj6= 0

then the inequality

ν=m+1,...,m+nmax Pn

j=1bjzjν Pn

j=1|bj| |zj|ν ≥ 1 n

δ 2



We also need Theorem A.1 of [4].

Theorem D.7. Let(X, d)be a metric space,(Y,F, µ)be a measure space andf:X×Y →R be such that

(i) f(x,·)isµ-integrable for allxX,

(ii) f, y)is continuous in X forµ-almost allyY, (iii) there existsmL1(Y, µ) satisfying



|f(x, y)| ≤m(y) forµ-a.e. yY.

Then the map

X →R, x7→



f(x, y)dµ(y) is bounded and continuous.


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Im Dokument logoV 38 (Seite 133-174)