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AntGP Antarctic Geoid Project ArcGP Arctic Gravity Project

ARMA Auto Regressive Moving Average filter ATLAS Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software

B Byte

BLACS Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms BLAS Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms

BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) CHAMP CHAllenging Mini-satellite Payload

CMO Column Major Order

CPU Central Processing Unit

d/o spherical harmonic Degree and Order EFRF Earth Fixed Reference Frame EGM96 Earth Geopotential Model 1996 EGM2008 Earth Geopotential Model 2008

EGM_TIM Earth Gravitational Model from GOCE using the TIMe-wise method EIGEN European Improved Gravity model of the Earth by New techniques

ESA European Space Agency

GRACE Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment GRAIL Gravity Recovery And Interior Laboratory GRF Gradiometer fixed Reference Frame GRS80 Geodetic Reference System 1980

GOCE Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer GOCE-HPF GOCE High-level Processing Facility

GOCO Gravity Observation Combination Consortium GPS Global Positioning System

HPC High-Performance Computing

HPF (GOCE) High-Level Processing Facility I/O Input and Output (file reading and writing) IGG Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation IRF Inertial Reference Frame

ITRF International Terrestrial Reference Frame JUROPA Jülich Research On Petaflop Architectures LAPACK Linear Algebra PACKage

LNOF Local North Oriented Cartesian Frame

MBW Measurement Band Width

MC Monte Carlo

MDT Mean Dynamic Topography

MPI Message Passing Interface

NEQ Normal EQuation

NFS Network File System

OEQ Observation EQuation

PBLAS Parallel Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms PCG Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient

PCGMA Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Multiple Adjustment PSD Power Spectral Density

PVM Parallel Virtual Machine REAL-GOCE REAL data analysis GOCE REG REGularaization group

RHS Right Hand Side

RMO Row Major Order

RMS Root Mean Square error

SC Scientific Computing

SCALAPACK SCAlable Linear Algebra PACKage SGG Satellite Gravity Gradiometry SLR Satellite Laser Ranging

SST high-low Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking STL Standard Template Library

VC Variance Component

VCE Variance Component Estimation


List of Figures

2.1 Important components of a compute node. . . 6

2.2 Example MatrixA, and Amapped to a linear vector ausing RMO and CMO. . . . 7

3.1 Components of a compute cluster. . . 13

3.2 Cores of a compute cluster virtually arranged as two-dimensional compute core grid. 20 3.3 Block-cyclic distribution of a8×9matrix on a2×3compute core grid (br×bc= 3×2). 21 3.4 Runtime for the Cholesky decomposition, solution and inversion. . . 31

4.1 Runtime analysis of the row and column reordering operations. . . 42

6.1 Coverage of the GOCE satellites ground track on the Earth’s surface. . . 56

6.2 Data belonging to the SST normal equation set. . . 59

6.3 The coefficients constrained by the regularization. . . 64

6.4 Distribution of the GOCE SGG observation equations. . . 68

6.5 Graphical depiction of the non-recursive filtering. . . 70

6.6 Graphical depiction of the serial part of non-recursive filtering on a single process. . . 73

6.7 Graphical depiction of the serial part of recursive filtering on a single process. . . 74

6.8 Performance and scaling of the implemented algorithm for GOCE NEQ assembly. . . 80

6.9 Performance of NEQ assembly depending on the shape of the compute core grid. . . 81

6.10 Runtime of NEQ assembly using different block-sizes br=bc. . . 82

6.11 Data segments used in the official GOCE releases. . . 84

6.12 Degree (error) variances of the four used SST solutions with respect to ITG-Grace2010s. 85 6.13 Illustration of the gradiometer noise estimates. . . 87

6.14 PSD of estimated gradiometer noise and two example filters (s= 0 andc=ZZ). . . 87

6.15 Illustration of the used filters in the spectral domain. . . 89

6.16 Identified outliers with obvious correlation to the magnetic poles. . . 90

6.17 Segment-wise and component-wise SGG-only solutions with respect to EGM_TIM_RL04 . . . 91

6.18 Illustration of degree variances of two selected segments with respect to EGM_TIM_RL04. . . 93

6.19 Degree (error) variances of the SST, SGG and combined EGM_TIM_RL04 solution. 93 6.20 Contributions of the individual groups within the EGM_TIM_RL04. . . 94

6.21 Degree (error) variances of the 6 computed time-wise solutions. . . 95

6.22 Differences of the time-wise releases to EGM2008 in terms of Geoid heights. . . 97

7.1 Accuracies of the simulated observation data sets. . . 113

7.2 Degree (error) variances of the four VCE solutions with respect to EGM2008. . . 114

7.3 Application and further analysis of the high resolution full covariance matrix. . . 116

7.4 Performance and scaling of the implemented algorithm for NEQ assembly. . . 118

7.5 Dependence of the runtime for NEQ assembly of the compute core grid and the block-cyclic distribution. . . 121

7.6 Runtime of solution and inversion of NEQs varying the block-cyclic distribution pa-rameters. . . 122

7.7 Performance of the solver using different shapes of the compute core grid. . . 123

8.1 Convergence of PCGMA algorithm in terms of degree variances. . . 137

8.2 Convergence of Υ˜i within the PCGMA algorithm. . . 138

8.3 Convergence of PCGMA using the preconditioner models A, B and C. . . 140

8.4 Solutions from the preconditioner only. . . 141

8.5 Convergence of PCGMA algorithm in terms of degree variances. . . 142

8.6 Performance and scaling of the implemented steps of a single PCGMA iteration. . . 145

8.7 Performance and scaling of specific operations per PCGMA iteration. . . 148

8.8 Performance of the implemented steps of a single PCGMA iteration in dependence of the block-cyclic distribution. . . 149

8.9 Performance of the implemented steps of a single PCGMA iteration in dependence of the shape of the compute core grid. . . 150


List of Tables

4.1 Example for the reordering of two symbolic numbering schemes. . . 43

6.1 Used SGG data set for performance analysis. . . 78

6.2 Used official GOCE products for gravity field recovery from real data. . . 83

6.3 Details on the SST solutions used within the processing. . . 84

6.4 Details of the SGG observations used within the processing. . . 85

6.5 Estimated weights for the EGM_TIM_RL04 NEQs after 3 VCE iterations. . . 92

6.6 Error estimates from the GOCE time-wise models for the different releases. . . 96

7.1 Information provided together with the NEQs. . . 100

7.2 Data sets based on NEQs used in the closed-loop simulation scenario. . . 111

7.3 Data sets based on OEQ used in the simulation. . . 112

7.4 Standard devitions as derived by VCE. . . 115

7.5 Runtime for the update ofNwith the GOCE SGG NEQs. . . 117

7.6 Comparing the two implementations for the computations of NEQs from OEQs. . . . 120

8.1 Memory requirements of block diagonal preconditioners. . . 129

8.2 Standard deviations as derived by VCE. . . 139

List of Algorithms

4.1 Simple version to compute an index vector from two symbolic numbering schemes. . . 40

4.2 Fast version to compute an index vector from two symbolic numbering schemes. . . . 41

4.3 Simple version to convert an index vector to a permutation vector. . . 42

4.4 Efficient version to convert an index vector to a permutation vector. . . 43

6.1 Application of a cascaded filter with K cascades to a matrix. . . 63

6.2 Setup of the regularaization matrix for the polar gap. . . 65

6.3 Setup of the regularization matrix for the higher degree coefficients. . . 66

6.4 Application of the non-recursive filter to a distributed matrix. . . 71

6.5 Application of the non-recursive filter to a distributed matrix in extended form. . . 72

6.6 Application of the recursive filter to a distributed matrix. . . 75

6.7 Application of an ARMA filter to a distributed matrix. . . 76

6.8 Algorithm of GOCE NEQ assembly. . . 77

7.1 Update of Nand n by groupsnprovided as band-limited NEQs. . . 101

7.2 Update ofNandnby groupsoprovided as OEQs using block-cyclic distributed matrices.105 7.3 Update of Nand n by groupsoprovided as OEQs using serial design matrix blocks. . 107

8.1 PCGMA algorithm following Schuh (1996). . . 126

8.2 PCGMA algorithm extended for VCE. . . 127

8.3 Application of a block-diagonal distributed preconditioner to a distributed matrix. . . 131

8.4 Update vectorH(ν) by groupso provided as OEQs. . . 134

8.5 Symbolic numbering scheme for PCGMA . . . 135



2.1 Simple header file defining the main features of the classMatrix. . . 11

3.1 Example of a simple parallelization of an adjustment problem with MPI. . . 17

3.2 Simplified header file defining the main features of the classDistributedMatrix. . . 27

3.3 Example of a parallelization of an adjustment problem using the implemented inter-face to block-cyclic distributed matrices. . . 29

5.1 Header file defining the main features of the classParameter. . . 51

5.2 Header file defining the main features of the classNumberingScheme. . . 52

7.1 Header file defining the main features of the classNeqGroup. . . 102

7.2 Header file defining the main features of the classOeqGroup. . . 104


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